Press Releases for hip hop mixtapes

  • 1232

    What are key elements in becoming a succesful musician?

    Everyday life is full of changes. Some experts say that the amount of changes that happened in ten years few decades ago, today happens in one year or even less. It is hard to keep up with such speed. Humans are not some big fans of changes.

    By :| 08-14-2014 | Business:Advertising Or Marketing | Total Views : 1232

  • 1170

    Some things never change

    No doubt it is much easier to achieve some goal in life if you have a team to support you and help you with it. In days when most jobs are highly skilled and specialized, you can hardly find someone who can do a complex job without some help.

    By :| 08-14-2014 | Business:Advertising Or Marketing | Total Views : 1170

  • 1255

    How to gain your well deserved fifteen minutes of fame?

    Not so long ago, if you were a musician trying to make a breakthrough; you followed the standard path. First, you needed a song. When you taped it, you tried to sell that song to some publisher,

    By :| 08-14-2014 | Business:Business | Total Views : 1255

  • 1162

    How to break through to success

    It is not easy to find your life path, and in some cases it is even harder. If you choose some very competitive area,

    By :| 08-14-2014 | Business:Business | Total Views : 1162